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People are linked with circuits in this world all the time everywhere fail to build emotions and humanly connections. Thus, the education offered today is entirely status oriented and people impart confidence to those who is a medical, an engineering or a civil service student. Thus, arts education never encouraged as a passionate profession but only a means to soothe and refresh minds.

The tech-savvy world fails to realize the importance of art. Studies have proven to enhance the intelligence and proficiency of students connected with art compared to the students lacking interest in art.  

School children exposed to art are more proficient in reading, writing, and math. Arts education partnership in 2002 reported this face and similar reports has been revealing recent studies as well.


Schools in this era are neglecting fine arts education in order to grow financially forward. Fine arts education has been proven to increase the academic intelligence and achievements, skill development, civic engagement, social relationships and the opportunities of the children participating in it.

There are the skills that a nation wishes to develop among its youth.“When you think about the purposes of education, there are three,” Horne says. “We’re preparing kids for jobs. We’re preparing them to be citizens. And we’re teaching them to be human beings who can enjoy the deeper forms of beauty. The third is as important as the other two.” Fine arts education helps the children to embrace nature, observe their surrounding, builds emotions and confronts them with real life.

Composition of strong emotional beliefs

Fine arts education is a composition of strong emotional beliefs and a bond with canvas pencil and colors.  The schools today pressure on test score and fine arts is considered less important compared to the academic subjects. Fine arts education can shape an individuals’ passion towards art and can also motivate and encourage him to paint his world with his passion. The institutions today offers are few and these few lack the quality education. Structured classes or enthusiasm to transform an art dreamer into an art believer and follower.

A ray of hope

The era where fine arts education faces a threat there still exists a ray of hope. One such hope is Pencil and Chai Fine Arts Gurukul. A fine arts education hub entirely focused on building strong artistic passion within each art aspirant that reach out to them. Understanding the test score and responsibility pressures during the weekdays Pencil and Chai offer its art richness during the weekend. They offer uniquely structured art classes in realistic environments leaving behind the concrete walls and hugging the nature atmosphere.

Fine Arts Gurukul is encompassed by fine artists who striving hard to keep the fine art education alive in this competitive world. The love for colors and pencils are so strong and passionate that it is capable of healing any sorrow. Strengths a human emotionally and create wonders.

Leonardo Da Vinci, the name flashes a million colors and the masterpieces that connect with every human uniquely. And that moment has made art victorious. Fine art education is a means to uplift, nurture and guide the young passionate art aspirants the right way, Pencil and Chai leads them to the road less traveled, the road traveled by the unique and the creative, a road which is full of successful milestone without any failure ends.

Check the structured  fine arts education we offer

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