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Vasudeo-Kamath_coloring India
Fine Artist & Mentor

Vasudeo Kamath

Specialised In

Watercolor & Oil Painting


Conceptual & Figurative Painting

Workshops Completed

1 Edition of Hues of Watercolor

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The vibrancy of his masterpiece paintings uplift, delight, engage and ultimately reach out to the people.

Vasudeo Kamath; for this extraordinary artist ‘brush became tool and canvas the stage’ at a very early age. His genius became apparent after he completed studies at J J School of Art in Mumbai with distinction – ever since he has been inundated with awards, success, and acclaim.

Vasudeo Kamath has been involved with us from its inception and shown creativity, imagination, and talent which is rare to find. His vast knowledge and interest in the history of India have contributed immensely towards the whole project. He is a very disciplined person who sketches and draws daily without fail. This discipline has helped him produce the majority of the paintings for us. Each of his painting is a masterpiece. Not only that he has acted as a guide and inspiration for Vishal Wadaye, Sakale Manojkumar, and the Sawant brothers.

He has enjoyed working for us as the project resonates with what he believes in and stands for. Vasudeo Kamath is a master painter of immeasurable originality and vision. The vibrancy of his masterpiece paintings uplift, delight, engage and ultimately reach out to the people. In his words ‘I belong to my art and my art belongs to my heart.’ In 2006 he became the first Indian to win the Grand Prize from the Portrait Society Of America for his painting entitled ‘My wife’. This has given him worldwide recognition. More than a hundred countries participated in this competition.

Vasudeo Kamath has won many awards and honors in India and abroad and his paintings have been exhibited and sold worldwide.

Snaps from recent workshops

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